
Category: Aged Care Services

questions from aged care residents
18 Jan 2021

Care360 Team

Aged Care Services

Can we leave? The top 10 most asked...

Entering your loved one into an aged care home can be a huge decision for some families, and not all seniors are happy about the transition. However, many people are quite surprised by the lifestyle they can lead when entering an aged care home –...
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The top 10 considerations when finding an aged care home
18 Jan 2021

Care360 Team

Aged Care Services

The top 10 considerations when finding an aged...

Making the decision for mum, dad or your loved one to enter aged care can be a difficult and emotional time, but once you've decided to take that step and look into different options, there are a number of things to consider.  At Care360, we...
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Care360 - The Ultimate Guide for Understanding Aged Care Costs
18 Jan 2021

Care360 Team

Aged Care Services

The Ultimate Guide For Understanding Aged Care Costs

Making the decision to transition your mum, dad or loved one into aged care usually comes with a lot of questions. One of the biggest questions is usually around the cost of aged care which can come as a surprise for those who are making...
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Care360 - Signs Mum or Dad May Be Ready for Aged Care
18 Jan 2021

Care360 Team

Aged Care Services

Signs mum or dad may be ready for...

We all want our parents to stay young and healthy forever and watching them age can be an emotional experience. Seeing them struggle with everyday tasks can be challenging, and there may come a time where you realise your parents or loved ones may need...
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Approaching the subject of aged care with your mum or dad
18 Jan 2021

Care360 Team

Aged Care Services

Approaching the subject of aged care with your mum...

Conversations with your mum, dad or loved one about the idea of residential aged care can be some of the hardest to initiate and ultimately resolve. Unfortunately, in many cases, the discussion arises out of an emergency, leaving family members and those entering care unprepared,...
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