
Making a Difference: 8 Ways to Support Dementia Awareness in this Dementia Action Week

Published: September 18, 2023
Dementia Action Week

Dementia Action Week is a vital initiative in Australia to raise awareness, promote understanding, and provide support for individuals living with dementia, their families, and caregivers.

This year, from 18th to 24th September, Australians come together to make a difference in the lives of those affected by dementia.

This blog post will explore eight meaningful ways to support dementia awareness during this Dementia Action Week and beyond.

1. Learn About Dementia during this Dementia Action Week

To make a difference, we must first educate ourselves about dementia. Understanding its types, symptoms, and impact is crucial. Dementia is not just a part of aging; it’s a medical condition that deserves our understanding and compassion.

Start by reading reliable resources and materials to build your knowledge of dementia and early signs of dementia.

2. Be a Dementia Friend

Becoming a Dementia Friend is a simple yet impactful step. By taking part in Dementia Friends sessions, you’ll gain insights into the challenges faced by those living with dementia.

Dementia Action Week

This knowledge empowers you to support them better and reduce stigma.

3. Share Personal Stories

During Dementia Action Week, encourage individuals and families affected by dementia to share their personal stories.

These stories can inspire empathy and understanding, helping others connect with the experiences of those with dementia and their caregivers.

4. Support Dementia Research

Donate to dementia research organisations or participate in fundraising activities. Every contribution counts towards finding better treatments, prevention, and, eventually, a cure for dementia.

5. Create Dementia-Friendly Spaces

Advocate for dementia-friendly communities and spaces. Work with local businesses and authorities to improve public places by adding clear signage, accessible facilities, and sensory-friendly environments.

6. Organise Awareness Events

Host or attend events during Dementia Action Week. This could include information sessions, memory cafes, or awareness walks.

Encourage your community to participate and show solidarity.

7. Offer Support to Caregivers

Caregivers of individuals with dementia often face significant challenges. Extend your support by volunteering your time, or simply being there to listen and assist when needed.

8. Spread the Word

Use your voice and influence to spread awareness about dementia. Share informative articles, resources, and facts about dementia on your social media platforms, within your workplace, or through community organisations.

Dementia Action Week is a time to unite as a community and make a difference in the lives of those affected by dementia. By educating ourselves, becoming Dementia Friends, sharing stories, supporting research, creating dementia-friendly spaces, organising events, assisting caregivers, and spreading awareness, we can collectively work towards a more compassionate and understanding society.

Let’s make this Dementia Action Week count by taking these steps to support dementia awareness and make a positive impact in the lives of others. Together, we can create a more dementia-friendly Australia.

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